User guide

Package setup

The package installation, along with its requirements, requires no longer than a few minutes. First of all, after downloading the package, it is necessary to run the following command to install its Python dependencies:

$ pip install -r requirements.txt

This command will automatically install all the required dependencies. Currently, the only required Python packages are Numpy and Scipy.

After the requirements have been installed, it is time to install the package itself. In order to do so, execute the following command inside the repository main directory:

$ python install

This command will install all the simulator libraries and scripts into the current Python environment, and they will be immediately available for execution.

Run the simulators

All the simulators can be run at once, by simply executing the following command:

$ discos-simulator start

To stop all the simulators at once:

$ discos-simulator stop

By adding the --system or --s flag to the command, it is possible to run a single simulator:

$ discos-simulator start --system active_surface
$ discos-simulator start -s acu

To stop the desired simulator:

$ discos-simulator stop -s active_surface

To run a specific configuration for a simulators, add the --type flag, followed by the desired configuration:

$ discos-simulator --system if_distributor --type IFD start

Not all simulators have multiple configurations. Providing an unknown configuration will prevent the system from starting and the command will fail.

To know the currently available simulators, execute the command using the the list action:

$ discos-simulator list
Available simulators: 'active_surface', 'acu', 'backend', 'calmux', 'dbesm', 'if_distributor', 'lo', 'mscu', 'weather_station'.